Symbiosis Entrance Test (SET)

The Symbiosis Entrance Test (SET) is a test conducted by the Symbiosis Test Secretariat to judge the aptitude of the student for a particular programme. This one single test makes you eligible for all undergraduate programmes of Symbiosis.
SET has 5 different papers namely General, Design, Law, Engineering and Health Sciences. The test will be conducted in two sessions, Morning and Afternoon. A Candidate may take more than one paper. However he may choose one paper from morning session and one paper from afternoon session.
Sessions and TimePaperInstitutes
Morning Session
9.30 am to
12.00 noon
LawSymbiosis Law School.[SLS] – Pune
Symbiosis Law School.[SLS] – Noida
EngineeringSymbiosis Institute of Technology. [SIT]
Symbiosis Institute of Health Sciences.[SIHS]
Afternoon Session
2.30 pm to
5.00 pm
GeneralSymbiosis Institute of Computers Studies and Research
[SICSR]Symbiosis Centre for Management Studies[SCMS-UG] – Pune
Symbiosis Institute of Media and Communication [SIMC-UG]
Symbiosis School of Economics [SSE]
Symbiosis Centre for Management Studies[SCMS-UG]-Noida
DesignSymbiosis Institute of Design [SID]
Symbiosis Test Secretariat
Gram: Lavale, Tal : Mulshi, Dist : Pune – 411042 India
Phone: 020-39116226 / 27 ; Telefax: 020-39116228
Website: ; University Website:
Email:, Email: